Monday, August 29, 2011

The Secret Blog Club

I love blogging and meeting new blogging friends.  Amanda over at Amanda's Cooking started The Secret Recipe Club.  What a fun idea!  Here is how it works..... We join Amanda and then we are each secretly assigned a blog to visit and choose a recipe from this blog to prepare and share the details on our own blog.  I was assigned Koreafornian Cooking.   This was totally new to me and I loved looking around this wonderful blog.  What a great experience to read about different cultures.  I decided to be kind of a wimp though and make a dessert from this fabulous blog.   I wanted to make something I knew my family would eat and enjoy.... and we did.  I made the Saeng Cream Cake and we loved it.  The girls said it reminded them of a yummy strawberry wedding type cake served at a few restaurants here in Omaha.  We were very pleased! 

I didn't change anything about the recipe except I didn't use Madagascar Vanilla - I just used pure Vanilla Extract.  I wanted to keep the recipe as suggested.  Please visit Koreafornian Cooking as I know you will love being creative and trying something new! 


Anonymous said...

Mmmmm, it looks so refreshing, and creamy and delicious. PS: I had your blog this month ;)

Anonymous said...

what a fun idea! anne

Unknown said...

I knew someone in the SRC would make this recipe. It's so much fun. In Korea, they add a variety of fruits on top like kiwi, blueberries, etc., whatever is in season at the time. :)

Cathy said...

Your cake is beautiful, Susan. I know my family would enjoy it too. It's always fun to try new things and I'm looking forward to checking out Koreafornian Cooking too. I'm thrilled with all the wonderful recipes I'm collecting at this months' SRC.

Lisa~~ said...

Looks absolutely delicious!

Cook Lisa Cook

Cindy said...

I would enjoy a piece of this cake, like now! Beautiful.

Plain Chicken said...

The cake looks wonderful! Great choice for SRC

Trisha said...

That cake looks so inviting with all those strawberries on top! Wish I could have a piece of this right now!

Manuela said...

This cake looks scrumptious with all those ripe strawberries on the top! And it is so moist!!! Great choice!


The cake looks great!

Stopping by from Secret Recipe Club: Group B

Julie said...

I am participating in group B. It's such a fun group. Beautiful cake, looks delicious.

Curious Cook said...

This is such a pretty cake. Looks really nice and yummy! Wouldn't mind a piece myself! :)

♥Sugar♥Plum♥Fairy♥ said...

Hey hii , happy to meet u @ SRC!
Looks absolutely yummmm~

365daysofbaking said...

This looks delicious! Strawberries are my favorite fruit and combined with cake - wonderful.
It's so much fun to do the SRC!

Mary Bergfeld said...

Your cake sounds wonderful and is almost as pretty as your three high schoolers :-). They are gorgeous. This is my first visit to your blog, so I took some time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm so glad I did that. You've created a great spot for your readers to visit and I really enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back.I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

marla {Family Fresh Cooking} said...

If I could dive into this cake right now I would. Really. Looks awesome.
Stopping by from SRC Group C. Awesome to be in the Secret Recipe Club with you. Here is my post for September :)
I would love if you added this and any other links to my "Happy Post" today.